Notice: Undefined index: B2 in /home/customers/paikallisuutisia/public_html/puhekupla/draw_template2.php on line 56
Make your own font template
Make Your Own Font Template with Sample Characters

High-Logic Scanahand is an excellent tool to make handwritten fonts and font making is fast and the result is very good.

The program still has one disadvantage (in version 3.1): Drawing letters on native templates may be difficult: the sample letter is too little and user cannot always be sure where to draw the letter vertically.

When we are waiting native implementation of High-Logic, the answer is to use our custom template.

With this tool you can select a font, which is used for sample characters. TODO: we may include an ability to upload your own font for sample use.

Please modify fields below to suit your needs and press 'Generate Template PDF'.

Select glyphs to your template:   Select predefined set of chars to be included in font.
Type characters:   
Type unicode ranges:    Dec     Hex

Columns:     Rows:    

Notice: Undefined index: print_guidelines in /home/customers/paikallisuutisia/public_html/puhekupla/draw_template2.php on line 544
checked name="print_guidelines" id="print_guidelines" value="ON"> Print guidelines

Notice: Undefined index: print_sample_chars in /home/customers/paikallisuutisia/public_html/puhekupla/draw_template2.php on line 551
checked name="print_sample_chars" id="print_sample_chars" value="ON"> Print sample glyphs

Sample glyph font:

Sample glyph color:

Missing glyph color:   

Notice: Undefined index: black_baseline in /home/customers/paikallisuutisia/public_html/puhekupla/draw_template2.php on line 634
value="ON"> Black baseline

Notice: Undefined index: sort_by_unicode_index in /home/customers/paikallisuutisia/public_html/puhekupla/draw_template2.php on line 640
value="ON"> Sort by unicode index   

Template name:

Set form send method:    

In this page you can make PDF template for your own handwritten font. The template can be modified by various ways:
- characters
- grid size (rows and columns count)
- whether to print guidelines
- whether to print sample chars
- sample font
- sample char color
- add name to template

You can select which characters to include in font:
- by selecting from drop down
- by typing letters
- by typing unicode ranges

Once you have clicked 'Generate Template PDF', within few seconds you get the template as PDF. Follow the instructions printed on the last page of it.

The guidelines and sample letters are for helping vertical positioning of letters when drawing. If the colors of them are light (or dim), they are not visible in resulting font.

This tool is EXPERIMENTAL, which means the following restrictions:
- We are waiting High-Logic to implement sample glyphs on it's native templates and this tool will hopefully become useless after that (depending on how excellent the coming feature will be).
- We have set 3000 characters limit to reduce server load, so this tool cannot be used to make template for all possible unicode ranges. The valid values of unicode points are between 0 and 65535.
- When using grid size with high column count and low row count, some or all glyphs extends to adjacent cells. To make sure all glyphs fit on cells, use equal grids (eg. 10x10) or higher rows value (eg. 10x13).